1. Task Board

This is a task board for topic presentations in class. When you pick a task, cross it out and add your name.

  1. Jun Yan ~~Variables and objects~~

  2. Zefang Min ~~Numbers in computers~~

  3. Shike Xu ~~Google recruiting ad problem~~

  4. Sydney Hyde ~~Jupyter-book/MyST markdown guide~~

  5. Jintao Zhang ~~Errors and debugging~~

  6. Surya Eada ~~Profiling and timing~~

  7. Sreeram Anantharaman ~~Numpy (JVP p.33-77)~~

  8. Sreeram Anantharaman ~~Statistical distributions (Scipy)~~

  9. Jintao Zhang ~~Optimization (Scipy)~~

  10. Shike Xu ~~Python dictionary~~

  11. Zefang Min ~~Numpy advanced (JVP p.78-96)~~

  12. Surya Eada ~~Pandas: object; indexing; operation (JVP. p.97-118)~~

  13. Sreeram Anantharaman ~~Pandas: missing data; hierarchical indexing; (JVP p.119-140)~~

  14. Sydney Hyde ~~Pandas: dataset operations (JVP p. 141-178)~~

  15. Jintao Zhang ~~Measures of classification accuracy and functions in Python~~

  16. Sydney Hyde ~~Fraud detection with Python (GitHub of Trenton McKinney)~~

  17. Machine learning for credit card fraud detection (Le Borgne and Nontempi)

  18. Sreeram Anantharaman ~~Credit card fraud detection by Nikhil Adithyan on Medium.com~~

  19. Zefang Min ~~Machine learning: jumpstart (JVP: p. 331-381)~~

  20. Surya Eada ~~Naive Bayes classification~~

  21. Shike Xu ~~Support vector machine~~

  22. Jintao Zhang ~~Decision trees and random forests~~

  23. Sreeram Anantharaman ~~XGBoost~~

  24. Jun Yan ~~Bagging verus boosting~~

  25. Sydney Hyde ~~Basics on Neural Network~~

  26. Shike Xu ~~Recurrent Neural Network~~

  27. Shike Xu ~~Gradient Descent~~

  28. Jintao Zhang ~~Neural network and deep learning~~

  29. TensorFlow

  30. Sydney Hyde~~A Kaggle competition walkthrough~~

  31. Zefang Min ~~Scope of variables~~

  32. Sydney Hyde ~~Web scraping~~

  33. Surya Teja Eada ~~Calling R from Python~~

  34. Creating modules and packages

  35. Jintao Zhang ~~Visualization with Matplotlib (JVP: p.217-274)~~

  36. Sreeram Anantharaman ~~Advanced Matplotlib: customization; 3d; maps (JVP: p.275-310)~~

  37. Statistical modeling with statmodels

1.1. Final Presentation Order

import random

presenters = ["Anantharaman, Sreeram", "Eada, Surya Teja","Hyde, Sydney",
              "Min, Zefang", "Xu, Shike","Zhang, Jintao"]
random.sample(presenters, 6)
['Zhang, Jintao',
 'Hyde, Sydney',
 'Eada, Surya Teja',
 'Anantharaman, Sreeram',
 'Min, Zefang',
 'Xu, Shike']

1.2. Catching Up Topics

  1. Python standard library

1.3. Lessons Learned