Chapter 6 Markov Chain Monte Carlo

6.1 Eample: Normal mixture

Generate some data with mixing rate \(\delta\).

Assuming that the normal distribution parameters \(\mu_1\), \(\sigma_1^2\), \(\mu_2\), and \(\sigma_2^2\) are known. The only unknown parameter is \(\delta\). The likelihood function of \(\delta\) is

We impose an uninformative prior on \(\delta\) and use a simple random walk proposal to construct the Metropolis–Hasting algorithm.

With initial value \(\delta_0 = .2\) and stepsize \(.1\) in the random walk proposal, we run the 2500 iterations and throw away the first 500 iterations.

6.2 General-Purpose Gibbs Sampling with the ARMS

Consider an example of posterior inference. Suppose that \((Y_i, X_i)\), \(i = 1, \ldots, n\), are observed, where \[ Y_i \mid X_i \sim \mbox{Poisson}(\exp(a + b X_i)). \] This is a Poisson regression model. Assume independent prior distributions on \(a\) and \(b\) with \(N(0, \sigma^2)\) and \(N(0, \tau^2)\). The posterior density of \((a, b)\) is \[ q(a, b \mid \mbox{data}) \propto \exp\left(a \sum_i^n Y_i + b \sum_i^n X_i Y_i - e^a \sum_i^n e^{X_i b} - \frac{a^2}{2\sigma^2} - \frac{b^2}{2\tau^2}\right). \] The full conditional distributions of \(a\) and \(b\) can be shown to be log-concave, which allows adaptive rejection alogorithm (Robert and Casella 2004). One could also just use the general ARMS as a lazy man’s approach.

Let us first generate some data.

The posterior density up to an unknown normalizing constant can be easily computed.

An MCMC based the Gibbs sampler uses the ARMS algorithm from R package HI.

Now give it a try with \(\sigma^2 = 100\) and \(\tau^2 = 100\).

6.3 Exercises

6.3.1 Normal mixture revisited

Consider again the normal mixture example, except that the parameters of the normal distributions are considered unknown. Suppose that prior for \(\mu_1\) and \(\mu_2\) are \(N(0, 10^2)\), that the prior for \(1/\sigma_1^2\) and \(1/\sigma_2^2\) are \(\Gamma(a, b)\) with shape \(a = .5\) and scale \(b = 10\). Further, all the priors are independent. Design an MCMC using the Gibbs sampling approach to estimate all 5 parameters. You may use the arms()function in package HI. Run your chain for sufficiently long and drop the burn-in period. Plot the histogram of the results for all the parameters.


Robert, Christian, and George Casella. 2004. Monte Carlo Statistical Methods. Springer Science & Business Media.